IE Publications

Expanded Purpose

To support a comprehensive institutional effectiveness process that utilizes the institution’s mission and purpose as the foundation of planning and evaluation.
To provide a means by which faculty, staff, students, and administration have opportunities for input concerning programs, processes, and services at Central Georgia Technical College.
To ensure that continuous improvement occurs based on the use of accurate information for decision-making.

PDF A Primer on Institutional Effectiveness at CGTC for Administrators, Faculty and Staff

  • The continuity file to assist new personnel in acquainting themselves with institutional effectiveness reporting and planning techniques.

PDF Institutional Effectiveness Activities Calendar

  • An annual schedule of institutional effectiveness Unit activities.

Institutional Outcomes

PDF FY2023 Institutional Outcomes Results
PDF FY2022 Institutional Outcomes Results
PDF FY2021 Institutional Outcomes Results

The Review

PDF Spring Semester 2024
PDF Fall Semester 2023
PDF Spring/Summer Semester 2023

Fact Books

PDF 2023 Fact Book
PDF 2022 Fact Book
PDF 2021 Fact Book

Fast Facts

PDF 2023 Fast Facts
PDF 2022 Fast Facts
PDF 2021 Fast Facts


PDF IPEDS Data Feedback Report 2023
PDF IPEDS Data Feedback Report 2022
PDF IPEDS Data Feedback Report 2021
PDF IPEDS Outcome Measures Four to Eight Years 2022-2023

National Student Clearinghouse (NSC)

PDFStudentTracker Postsecondary Completions Fall 2016 Entering Cohort
PDFStudentTracker Postsecondary Completions Fall 2015 Entering Cohort
PDFStudentTracker Postsecondary Completions Fall 2014 Entering Cohort