Purpose Statement
The purpose of the CGTC Academy is to provide an opportunity for individuals to earn a high school and college credential in an effort to prepare them for in-demand careers within our eleven-county service area and throughout the state of Georgia.
CGTC Academy Beliefs
- Individuals will be provided with opportunities for the actualization of personal and professional success.
- Academic programs will focus on preparing individuals for sustainable employment in in-demand fields.
- Individuals will gain skills to become self-sufficient and contributing members of society.
- The Academy will provide a safe and positive learning environment that promotes academic achievement through non-traditional and blended learning methods while enhancing character development.
- Individuals will participate in activities and experiences to develop essential employability skills, positive learning perceptions, and self-assessment of learning progress.
The Central Georgia Technical College/CGTC Academy is accredited by Cognia through the NCA CASI, NWAC and SACS CASI. Accreditation awarded June 17, 2022. Valid through June 30, 2027.
Academy Pathways
The CGTC Academy provides two pathways for individuals seeking an alternative to a traditional high school diploma. Click on the pathway below that best fits your interest.
Informational Flyer Academy Checklist
Dual Achievement Program Pathway
Individuals aged 16 – 21 can take high school courses and college courses to obtain a high school diploma.
Individuals aged 18 and over can take high school courses and college courses to obtain a high school diploma.
The CGTC Information Line at (478) 988-6800
or email info@centralgatech.edu
CGTC Academy – DAP Information Request Form