Investing in Central Georgia
To invest in Central Georgia Technical College is to invest in Central Georgia: for economic growth, workforce development, and a strong legacy for future generations. When you make a tax-deductible donation to the Central Georgia Technical College Foundation, you make an important investment in our community’s future. There are many ways for you to contribute to the CGTC Foundation:
Unrestricted Gifts
Gifts of cash, appreciated securities (shares of stock or mutual funds), or other property; these gifts provide immediate financial assistance.
Restricted Gifts
Cash donations designated for a specific scholarship or educational program
Endowed Funds
Cash donations designated for a specific scholarship or educational program. A minimum investment is required. Funds are held in perpetuity with only interest earnings spent for awards.
Gifts in Honor, Gifts in Memory
Gifts may be made in honor or memory of a loved one, a friend or colleague, or a business, or to commemorate a special occasion.
In-Kind Gifts
The CGTC Foundation is happy to accept gifts for use in academic programs or for the benefit of Central Georgia Technical College. Please contact Tonya McClure at (478) 757-3503 to discuss your potential in-kind donation.
Please mail your tax-deductible donation to:
CGTC Foundation
3300 Macon Tech Drive
Building A, Room 413
Macon, GA 31206
The Foundation also accepts donations via credit card. Please click the PayPal button on the right side of the screen to make your donation now.
CGTC Faculty and Staff: Please use our employee contribution form for automatic monthly payroll deductions, a one-time payroll deduction, or to simply donate with check or cash.
The CGTC Foundation is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. The Foundation is committed to responsible stewardship of the resources entrusted to us. Please contact the Foundation if you would like to obtain audit information.