Drug Free School and Campuses

CGTC makes every effort to ensure that effective drug and alcohol abuse prevention information is made available to students and employees. Assistance is provided to students through the Office of Student Affairs.

No student or employee may engage in the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol on the College’s property or as part of any of its sponsored activities. Such unlawful activity by students may be considered sufficient grounds for serious punitive action, including expulsion. Violations by employees shall result in disciplinary action in keeping with the Technical College System of Georgia policy. Central Georgia Technical College reserves the right to have random drug checks. Central Georgia Technical College complies with the federal Drug Free School and Communities Act Amendment of 1989 (Public Law 102- 226). Any violation should be reported to the Vice President of Student Affairs.

Central Georgia Technical College Police Department will be responsible for the investigation of complaints of drug possession on campus. If they find that a student is in possession of drugs they will be immediately referred to the Vice President of Student Affairs or the Executive Director of Conduct, Appeals and Compliance for disciplinary measures. Criminal charges may also be brought at the time to anyone who is found in possession of illicit drugs. CGTC Police Department may use drug detection dogs to help with the enforcement of this policy and the laws of the State of Georgia.

PDF Drug and Alcohol Prevention Plan


The Federal Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989 (public Law 102-226) contains Section 22, Drug-Free School and Campuses, which was enacted to ensure that any institution of higher education that receives funds under any federal program, had adopted and implemented a program to prevent the use of illicit drugs and abuse of alcohol by students.

No student may engage in the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol on the College’s property or as part of any of its sponsored activities. Such unlawful activity may be considered sufficient grounds for serious punitive action, including expulsion and prosecution.

If a student is convicted (including a plea of nolo contendere) of committing certain felony offenses involving any criminal drug and/or alcohol statute of any jurisdiction, regardless of whether the alleged violations occurred at the College or elsewhere, the student will be suspended immediately and denied state and /or federal funds from the date of conviction.

The College shall notify the appropriate state/federal funding agency within ten (10) days after receiving notice of the conviction from the student or otherwise after receiving the actual notice of conviction.

Within thirty (30) days of notification of condition, the College shall, with respect to any student so convicted

a. Take additional appropriate action against such student up to and including expulsion as it deems necessary.

b. Provide such student with a description of any drug or alcohol counseling treatment, or rehabilitation or re-entry programs that are available for such purposes by federal, state or local health, law enforcement or other appropriate agency.


1. The College is responsible for ensuring the development and implementation of a drug free awareness program to inform students of the following:

a. The dangers of drug and alcohol abuse on the campus and elsewhere.

b. Any available drug and alcohol counseling, rehabilitation and assistance program.

c. Any penalties to be imposed upon students for drug and alcohol abuse violations occurring on the campus.

2. The College shall conduct a biennial review of its program to determine its effectiveness and implement changes to the program if they are needed and to ensure that the sanctions required by the program are consistently enforced.

3. The College shall maintain and make available to the U.S. Secretary of Education and to the public a copy of each item in the program as required by this policy and applicable law as well as results of the biennial review.

Drug Dogs on Campus

In an effort to maintain a drug-free learning environment, the Central Georgia Technical College Police Department will, in conjunction with local authorities, periodically utilize drug dogs in conducting sweeps for illicit drugs in all of the parking lots, common areas and buildings on all CGTC campuses. The Chief of CGTC Police will arrange supervision and coordinate all canine searches with the assistance of CGTC Police Officers as well as other local law enforcement agencies.

These sweeps will be performed by handlers and canines trained and certified in the detection of illegal drugs/narcotics. Canines will be allowed to make sweeps through all common areas, parking lots, and will be utilized inside of the buildings when it is deemed necessary. Searches will be conducted of vehicles, rooms, and other areas once the canine alerts which will provide probable cause to believe that drugs are present in that area. Upon discovery of suspected illegal drugs/narcotics, persons who are determined to be in violation of State or Federal law and/or College rules and regulations, will face College disciplinary actions and possible arrest.