Procedures & Plans

Corresponding TCSG Policy CGTC Procedure/Plans
Office of Primary Responsibility
2.1.1. (I. B.) Statement of Equal Opportunity 2.1.1.a.p (I. B. 1.) CGTC Non-Discrimination Policy VPAS/HR
2.1.2. (I. A.) Mission Statement/policies/Mission.htm 2.1.2.a.p (I. A. 1.) CGTC Mission Statement PRES
2.3.2p (I. F. 3.) Presidential Responsibilities 2.3.2.p.a.p (I. F. 3. a.) CGTC Strategic Planning VPIE
2.3.3. (I. F. 3.) Strategic Planning 2.3.3p.a.p (I. F. 3. a.) Organization Structure PRES
2.3.4. (I. E. 3.) Technical College Accreditation 2.3.4.a.p (l.E.3.a.) CGTC Accreditation Policy PRES
2.3.5. (I. E. 3.) Technical College Accreditation 2.3.5.a.p (I. E. 3. b.) CGTC Substantive Change Policy  VPIE
2.3.6 Accreditation Reporting Standards 2.3.6.a.p Accreditation Reporting Standards
2.4.1.a1. (I. D. 1. a.) Local Board Bylaws 2.4.1.a.p (I. D. 1. a.) CGTC Responsibilities and Authority VPIE
2.4.1.a1. (I. D. 1. a.) Local Board Bylaws 2.4.1.a1.a.p (I. D. 1. a. i.) CGTC Bylaws PRES/EXVP
3.1.10. (II. A. 2. g. ii.) Petty Cash Funds 3.1.10.a.p (II. A. 2. g. ii.) CGTC Petty Cash Funds VPAS
3.1.12. (II. A. 2. g. iv.) Cooperative Nonprofit Organizations 3.1.12.a.p (II. A. 2. g. iv. 1.) CGTC Cooperative Nonprofit Organizations VPAS
3.1.16. (II. B.) Purchasing 3.1.16.a.p (II. B.) CGTC Purchasing VPAS
3.2.1. (II. E. 1.) Intellectual Property 3.2.1.a.p (II. E. 1. a.) Development and Use of Intellectual Property EXVP/VPAA
3.3.2. (II. C. 2.) Use of Vehicles 3.3.2.a.1p (II. C. 2. a.) CGTC Use of Vehicles VPAS
3.3.2p DOAS Motor Pool 3.3.2p.2p Mileage Reimbursement VPAS
3.3.7. (II. C. 7.) Tobacco Use 3.3.7.a.p (II. C. 7. a.) CGTC Smoking EXVP
3.3.9. (II. C. 9.) Inventory Management 3.3.9.a.p (II. C. 9. a.) CGTC Inventory VPAS
3.3.11. (II. C. 11.) Severe Inclement Weather 3.3.11.a.p (II. C. 11. a.) CGTC Severe Inclemental Weather COP
3.4.1. (II. D. 1.) Emergency Operations and Safety Plan 3.4.1.a.1p (II. D. 1. a.) CGTC Emergency Operations and Safety Plan COP
7.2.1 Occupational Exposure to Blood Borne Pathogens 7.2.1p3 CGTC Occupational Exposure to Blood Borne Pathogens VPAA/Exposure Control Coordinator
Acceptable Computer Use
TCSG Information Security Standards
Definition of Directory Information
  Personally Identifiable Information Protection and Storage Procedure
Student Password Procedure
4.1.3. (III. C.) Job Descriptions 4.1.3.a.p (III. C. 1.) CGTC Job Descriptions VPAS/HR
4.1.4p (III.D.) Categories of Employment 4.1.4p.a.p (III.D.3.) Faculty Role VPAA
4.1.8. (III. R.) Instructional Work Assignments 4.1.8.a.p (III. R.) CGTC Teaching Load Procedure VPAA
4.5.2. (III. U. 6.) Leave 4.5.2.a.p (III. U. 6. a.) CGTC Online Leave System Procedures VPAS/HR
4.9.5. (III. U. 8.) Staff Development 4.9.5.a.p (III. U. 8. a.) CGTC Professional Development VPIE
5.1.7. (IV. I.) Warranty of Degree, Diploma, and TCC Graduates 5.1.7.a.p (IV. I.) CGTC Warranty of Degree, Diploma, and TCC Graduates VPAA
 6.3.2p. (V. R.)  Student Records Retention Schedule 6.3.2.p.a.p CGTC College Catalog Retention Procedure VPSA/Registrar
CGTC Distance Education Student Authentication and Privacy Procedure VPAA/ Distance Education Dean
Professional Appearance PRES/EXVP
Budget Procedures VPAS
Development and Approval of Policy and Procedure PRES/EXVP
Hazardous Materials EXVP/DOF
Institutional Divisions PRES

PRES: President’s Office
EXVP: Executive Vice President
VPIE: Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness
VPAA: Vice President for Academic Affairs
HR: Human Resources
VPAS: Vice President for Administrative Services
VPSA: Vice President for Student Affairs
DOF: Director of Facilities
VPED: Vice President for Economic Development
COP: Chief of Police
CIO: Chief Information Officer