About Adult Education

The Adult Education Division’s mission is to enable adult learners in Central Georgia acquire the basic skills necessary to compete successfully in today’s global workplace, to strengthen individual character and family foundations, and to exercise full citizenship.

Our vision is creating a workforce for Georgia and future for families.

In the United States, an estimated 30 million people over the age of 16 read no better than the average elementary school child. Worldwide, nearly 800 million adults are illiterate in their native languages; two-thirds of them are women. Yet the ability to read and write is the basis for all other education; literacy is necessary for an individual to understand information that is out of context, whether written or verbal. Literacy is essential if we are to eradicate poverty at home and abroad, improve infant mortality rates, address gender inequality, and create sustainable development. Without literacy skills – the abilities to read, to write, to do math, to solve problems, and to access and use technology – today’s adults will struggle to take part in the world around them and fail to reach their full potential as parents, community members, and employees.

Certified Literate Community Program (CLCP) promotes literacy in Georgia by involving the whole community. By making literacy a community-wide commitment, a diversity of key resources is mobilized to promote and support literacy training. The CLCP is a partnership between the public sector (education and government) and the private sector (business and enterprise). This dynamic partnership will result in improved literacy levels for children, families, and workers in the entire community.

For more information, contact:
Dr. Wanda West
Special Projects Manager
Email: wwest@centralgatech.edu
Phone: (478) 757-2624