Dual Achievement Program

The CGTC Academy – Dual Achievement Program (DAP):

Provides a safe and positive learning environment that promotes academic achievement through the availability of co-curricular and extra-curricular opportunities to enhance character development. 
For more information, please fill out the Student Inquiry form below:

Student Inquiry Form DAP Informational Flyer 



What is the Dual Achievement Program?

The Dual Achievement Program (established by SB204) offers qualified students a recognized and alternate path to high school graduation. Students choose to simultaneously earn a high school diploma and two (2) technical certificates of credit, a technical diploma, or a college associate degree in a specific career pathway in order to meet high school graduation requirements. 



General Information:
(478) 757-3495
Lakeitha Gordon Executive Director/Principal of Dual Achievement Program
(478) 218-3203
Kashatriya Eason Guidance Counselor
(478) 757-2643