Circulation Services
a) Authorized Borrowers:
- Currently registered CGTC credit hour/dual-enrollment students may borrow library materials by presenting a college identification card or their college student identification number along with a valid identification card.
- Currently registered CGTC Adult Education Program students may borrow library materials by presenting a valid identification card and completing a borrower’s application with instructor signature.
- Students currently enrolled at colleges with which the library has a Cooperative Agreement may obtain a library card which will allow them to check out materials from any of the campus libraries (see Cooperative Library Agreements below).
- All currently employed Central Georgia Technical College faculty and staff may borrow library materials.
Circulation (loan) of library materials to the general public is not permitted at this time, except community users on a case-by-case basis.
b) Circulation of Materials:
Books in the general collection circulate for a three-week period for all current students, faculty, and staff. Books may be renewed as often as needed providing there are no holds on a title. All library materials circulated within a given school semester are due back in the library by the last day of classes of that semester.
c) Non-Circulating Materials:
Reference materials do not circulate outside the library at this time. Reference materials include current textbooks, as well as some almanacs, dictionaries, encyclopedias, indexes and other items of general reference nature. These resources must be readily available to all library staff and users.
d) Overdue/Fines:
It is the responsibility of the patron to ensure return of library items in a timely manner. Overdue notices are sent to all borrowers via email (CGTC email is the default). Students with overdue books may have a hold placed on their student record that will affect registration, financial aid, grades, and graduation status.
e) Lost or Damaged Books:
Any book that is lost or damaged beyond repair while on loan to a patron will result in a library fine. Books are replaced with the current edition and all library fines are placed equal to the cost to replace the item. Vandalize or theft of library items may be subject to disciplinary actions through the appropriate college division. Security measures are in place to deter theft.
Computer Use Policies
All library computer users are required to adhere to:
I. The Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) “Acceptable Computer and Internet Use” Policy, Section II.C.4. TCSG is the state agency that oversees Georgia’s system of technical colleges, adult literacy, and economic/workforce development programs. Central Georgia Technical College, a member institution of TCSG, recognizes and adheres to these TCSG approved policies. Please read and become familiar with all policy stipulations.
II. All CGTC Library Services Computer and Internet Use Guidelines described herein:
- Library computers are provided to support education and learning at Central Georgia Technical College. Currently enrolled credit-hour, dual-enrollment and Adult Education Program students needing computers for course related work and research have priority at all times. Other authorized users may be asked to relinquish their computer if currently enrolled CGTC students with course needs are waiting. A list of authorized computer users is available below.
- Please limit computer time to thirty minutes or less when others are waiting.
- Computer users are to refrain from recreational computer use and accessing sites with inappropriate content and language.
- Family members and friends of enrolled students, and other unauthorized individuals, are not permitted to use the library computers.
III. Web Filtering software is utilized on all CGTC networked computers college wide and at all TCSG member institutions statewide to filter, analyze, and track inappropriate utilization of state-owned computers and networks. The major filtering categories of Adult Materials, Sex, and Gambling are blocked by state mandate. Other locally blocked categories may also apply.
Authorized Library Computer Users
Authorized computer users must be currently enrolled, employed or attending a campus activity as noted. Authorized computer users must have appropriate ID, validated card, permit, or documentation:
- CGTC Credit-hour students
- CGTC Dual-enrollment high school students
- CGTC Adult Education Program students
- CGTC Academy students
- CGTC Faculty and Staff
- CGTC Continuing Education students
- CGTC Conference or meeting attendees
- Cooperative Library Agreement students, including:
- Students enrolled at colleges in the Technical College System of Georgia
- Students enrolled at Fort Valley State University
- Students enrolled at Georgia College & State University
- Students enrolled at Middle Georgia State University
Cooperative Library Agreements
Cooperative Library Agreements allow students of each participating college to access and utilize each other’s college library and borrow materials from their collections. These formal agreements automatically renew each year unless otherwise modified.
The CGTC Libraries have cooperative library agreements with:
- Fort Valley State University Library
- Georgia College & State University Library
- Middle Georgia State University Library
- Technical College System of Georgia Libraries
The agreements permit the mutual borrowing and lending of library materials between institutions. Under the terms of the agreements, students must provide current college identification cards and verification of enrollment to be eligible to borrow materials.
CGTC students are required to abide by all lending policies in place at these other institutions and are responsible for all fines incurred for overdue, lost, or damaged books. Failure to settle outstanding accounts may initiate a local hold on registration, financial aid, grades, and graduation status. To obtain a “Central Georgia Tech Library – Enrollment Verification Card”, please visit one of the Central Georgia Tech Library locations.
Instruction Services
Orientation to the library facility and instruction in the use of print and electronic resources is available to students, faculty, and staff in a variety of delivery methods. Orientations and tours constitute a broad overview of library resources, services, and facilities. Library Instruction provides specific training in the use of reference and research materials and databases and may include demonstration of electronic periodical indexing, abstracting, and full-text resources; credible searching via the Internet; searching the automated library catalog and materials retrieval; general encyclopedic, directory and statistical searching of traditional resources; and course, or program, specific resources.
Types of orientations:
- Library instruction classes and orientations may be arranged by submitting an online CGTC Library and Academic Support – Class Visit Request Form or by contacting the library by phone or email. One-week advance notice is suggested to ensure there are no scheduling conflicts and provide staff time to prepare for specific assignments or scope of coverage required. A minimum of 24 hrs. notice is requested for scheduling an orientation or instruction session.
- Special group instruction and orientations may be scheduled as necessary for faculty groups, administrative personnel, visiting groups, etc. One-week prior notice is recommended.
- Self-directed user guides such as the Student Library Handbook, Faculty Library Resource Guide, LibGuides, and “how-to” handouts and tutorial handouts are available within the libraries and online to facilitate self-directed orientation and instruction in the use of library resources and services.
- Additional library and related professional development topics for faculty, staff, and students include: teaching and learning resources, understanding copyright law, preservation issues for library collections, interlibrary loan policies and procedures, federal laws and guidelines governing use of the internet, impact of technology on libraries and materials in print, regional cooperative library agreements and joint borrower policies and procedures, educational technology methods and delivery systems, and career exploration and employability skills resources.
InterLibrary Loan (ILL)
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service that supports the academic research needs of the students, faculty and staff. Books and journal articles needed in support of coursework, but not available at the CGTC Libraries, may be requested from a participating network of lending libraries.
Turnaround time to receive requested ILL materials may take one week or longer, so planning ahead is essential. Please note that the library cannot honor requests to borrow college textbooks through Interlibrary Loan.
To request an item via interlibrary loan, please complete an interlibrary loan request form.
Photocopies, Scanning, and Printing
The option to scan documents and make photocopies is available at the Macon, Warner Robins and Milledgeville Campus libraries. Additionally, current students, faculty, and staff also have access to black and white printers at each campus library. The libraries do use a print management system, and all print requests must be released by a member of library services staff.
Persons using the copier for printing, scanning, or photocopies are liable for any infringement of U.S. Code Title 17 (The Copyright Law of the United States). Please contact your library staff with any questions about these services.
Reference Services
Reference Philosophy of Service:
Providing assistance with all information requests is our priority in library services. Education, at all levels, is one of the greatest resources available in our society. Instilling a positive experience within the library and a love for life-long learning plays an important role in providing individuals the tools and opportunities for personal enrichment, professional development, and achievement of academic excellence. An informed and reflective citizenry are capable of making a significant and positive contribution back to society.
CGTC Library Services provides professional and unbiased service to all library visitors. The library recognizes the varying needs and levels of education within our student body, faculty, and staff and makes every effort to exercise respect, understanding, and good judgment in assisting users.
Access to relevant, value-added information and appropriate resources is becoming increasingly diverse and challenging in the information technology age. Taking the time to listen, discuss, and understand individual need and navigate them to the most pertinent source is an essential facet of library services. The library makes every effort to assist and link the user with the most current, authoritative, and relevant information available.
Description of Reference Services:
The library’s goal is to provide effective and personable service, which is best achieved through a combination of professional skills including: projecting an open and helpful appearance, leading the user effectively through the question/negotiation process, and utilizing tact and understanding when addressing and assisting users. It is often important to restate the user’s request to confirm the specific nature of their information need before proceeding with assistance. This verification process allows the library staff and user to understand the appropriateness and relevancy of sources to search and helps to eliminate any potential frustration or misinformation. Subsequent clarification is often beneficial in narrowing and identifying the best possible resource.
While assigned to the Library Reference Desk, public service is the primary responsibility of the librarian or library assistant. Ancillary duties such as technical or clerical processing of materials should be considered a lower priority and not impair the level of personal assistance and service to users of the library.
Reference questions and requests can be asked in-person, by phone, or online.