Hawkinsville High School Students Earn Nurse Aide Credentials in Dual Enrollment at CGTC

March 6, 2018

Hawkinsville, Ga. – The local healthcare industry just became a lot younger.

Thanks to a pioneer program at the Central Georgia Technical College (CGTC) Hawkinsville Workforce Development Center, a group of Hawkinsville High School students passed credentialing exams in February to become Certified Nurse Aides (CNA). Jua’naye Collins, Tabias Jones, Haley Kearney, Sitara Loving, Kazavia Mobley, Belle Owens make up the first six to do so in the programs’ first dual enrollment cohort. Jones, the only male in the cohort, earns a place in a non-traditional occupation for his gender by passing the credentialing exam.

Two additional students in the cohort are deciding to pursue other educational paths and retest in March, respectively.

As dual enrollment students, each are earning high school credit and college credit at the same time, at no charge. But perhaps the most impressive detail, is the quality wage each can earn at just an average age of 17. Having earned the necessary credentials, they are free to seek employment; three have already landed jobs.

Pay for nurse aides varies on need and location, but the Bureau of Labor Statistics says the median pay is around $12 an hour nationally, and has a “faster than average” job outlook.

“The students are required to complete 24 hours of clinical time, or three-hour shifts as a part of the program and those clinical hours really are the toughest for them,” said Crystal McChargue, Nurse Aide instructor, comparing the program to the examination. “They do it so they can be prepared to experience what is done from the start to the end of a shift. They have to go into a nursing home and take care of elderly folks.”

The students agreed that the transition from mannequins and classroom equipment to actual people and active systems requires a learning curve.

“Clinicals are where we learned the proper techniques for taking care of people,” Owens said.

“We have learned to improve the quality of life for the elderly. We have learned how to be more social and interact with patients,” Kearney added.

The three who have landed jobs are working at Pinewood Manor Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Hawkinsville.

Collins works there, and is gracious for the experience.

“Most of their family don’t come and see them and when I’m working most of them don’t want me to leave. It makes me feel good that they enjoy my company,” she said.

Watch this short video to learn more.

Visit www.centralgatech.edu/highschool to learn more about Dual Enrollment at CGTC.