2.3.3p (Formerly I.F.3.a.) CGTC Strategic Planning

Central Georgia Technical College's strategic planning process focuses on answering the "what" questions related to future goals and directions for the College's programs and services. The Strategic Plan is aligned with the Technical College System of Georgia Policy 2.3.3 (Formerly I.F.3.) Strategic Planning. The CGTC President is responsible for the development and maintenance of the college’s strategic plan. The Office of Institutional Effectiveness coordinates the College's efforts toward planning and assessment.

The CGTC Strategic Planning Five-Year Process

The CGTC Strategic Plan describes the mission, purpose, vision, long-range goals and objectives of Central Georgia Technical College. The process used in creating the document is designed to be participatory and inclusive of all segments of the institutional internal and external stakeholders. The institutional mission is at the heart of the plan and is the departure point for the creation of goals and objectives. The mission, and the derived institutional vision and goals, are reviewed annually to determine the continued viability and applicability to the ever changing environment. Recommended revisions are sent to the Local Board of Directors for concurrence and acceptance of changes when necessary. Every five years, the Strategic Planning Steering Committee conducts an in-depth internal and external analysis using the institutional "Strategic Planning Process". The product of the processes is an updated Strategic Plan.

The major objectives of the process are:

  1. Identification of key internal and external trends and issues.
  2. Assessment of the magnitude of changes in the environment through SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis.
  3. Validation of or development of strategies to achieve goals.

The information gained from the five year review is used to make decisions and adjustments about the long-term direction of CGTC. The five-year review involves three major activities:

  1. Data collection and analysis,
  2. Evaluation of alternatives, and
  3. Long-range decision making.

Critical decision areas include CGTC's mission, constituencies/stakeholders (students, employers, and the community at large), program goals and outcomes, facility and equipment priorities. Focal points for analysis include the external environment, internal strengths and weaknesses, and resource constraints and/or opportunities. Demographic data, legislative actions, student enrollment, retention, licensure, community issues, and labor market changes (acquired as the result of institutional survey/focus group outcomes, occupational survey data and input from advisory team members) are analyzed to develop trends and planning assumptions in order to develop, review goals, and review existing priorities within the Institution.

The Annual Review of Strategic Goals

Every fiscal year the College’s Strategic Plan Goals are reviewed. Previous year data are documented and distributed to all Divisions by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness. The President and each Division Vice President are responsible for taking the data and establishing improvement plans where needed. An assessment of the expected results and each associated means of measurement are also reviewed.
