III. D. 3. Faculty Role

I. Academic Affairs and Instructional Programs

The primary responsibility for the quality, content, assessment, and improvement of the College's educational programs resides with the faculty. The college recognizes the following:

  1. Faculty lead in the establishment and review of educational program missions, desired student learning outcomes, and general program outcomes; the assessment of the achievement of those outcomes; and the planning and implementation of educational program improvements based on assessments.
  2. Faculty collaborate with program advisory committees to ensure continued program relevance and effectiveness in meeting community employment needs, and use the recommendations of the program advisory committees to improve the educational program.
  3. Faculty participates in the curriculum development and revision process through active involvement in Instructional Faculty Curriculum Consortium (IFCC) activities; statewide program reviews (Probe Reports), statewide technical curriculum advisory committees, and the College's internal Program and Curriculum Review process.

II. Governance

The College is committed to ensuring that the faculty can communicate input and advice on the governance of the institution. The President and senior administration are receptive to input from faculty and use faculty input to guide their decision-making. To facilitate the flow of input and advice, the College employs the use of the following:

  1. The Faculty Advisory Council (FAC) exists to enhance the participation and jurisdiction of the faculty in academic affairs. In relation to governance matters, the scope of the FAC is advisory in nature and serves to give the faculty a forum for formally providing input to and receiving information from the Office of the President and senior administration. The FAC may employ the use of committees and subcommittees to complete its work.
  2. Faculty, Program Chairs, Division Heads, and Deans may provide input to the Vice President for Academic Affairs during regularly scheduled meetings, ad hoc meetings, or in writing.
  3. The faculty shall be represented by a Faculty Liaison to the Local Board of Directors. This individual is typically the College's teacher of the year and shall represent the faculty at meetings of the Local Board. The Faculty Liaison to the Board is not a voting member of the Board, but serves to provide input to and collect information from the Local Board. The Faculty Liaison's presence supplements the representation of the faculty provided by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

III. Applicability

This policy applies to Central Georgia Technical College

IV. Definitions


V. Attachments


VI. Procedure

Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) shall consists of members elected by faculty and one (1) chairperson selected by FAC members.

Revised July 1, 2013